FEBRUARY 12, 2013

Happy New Year and best health and prosperity to all!

Much happening in recent months. The H5000 DHT is near ready for customer ordering, the long awaited custom KR242 tubes used are shipped from Kron Audio in Czechoslovakia. The 4 custom made gain tubes in each circuit will replace the rare Telefunken RS242s initially used in first 20 ALLNIC DHT phono stages. More gain, less microphony and slightly smaller bottle size of the KR242 will enable lifetime supply of replacement tubes for H5000 and to elevate performance levels. Kron Audio is an established and well respected Audio Tube and electronics manufacture for many years. We look forward to a long and positive association with Dr Eunice Kron, they can be reached at www.kraudio.com My dear friend John DeLisle and mentor extraordinaire is the first hobbyist outside of Korea to hear and work with KS PARK’s legacy H5000 DHT LCR Transformer coupled phono stage, a world first. This, with permission, John’s thoughts early January 2013:

Dear snow shoveler.

This is what I sent to KS about the H5000 upgrade.

"Dear KS,

Well …….. you did it again! I have waited a few days to experience and consolidate my impression of the changes to the H5000. I noticed an enormous increase of bass control and dynamics, immediately. After a a while I felt the need to adjust the arm. I was hearing past anything that I was able to perceive before. Perceive before…… that is the key. The new transformers have taken the resolution to a new place. The H500 has lost all of it’s politeness and simply slaps you in the face! So ….get the setup right. I am able to hear things in the arm / cartridge adjustment that were not there before. I have no idea if things still will change but will keep you posted if that happens. One again…congratulation KS.”


And then John’s comments of February 8th, 2013: Just arrived back from a serious listening session Oh Generous One! The H 5000 is such a kick ass thing…man! Slam bang bong with the most ridiculous transparency you ever heard. On top of that I have finally got the Head amp giving me the resolution that I want … so with its extra power, bass and slam you don’t want be here. I will be happy to talk to Pedro if he want’s to even though I might sound like an over enthusiastic drug dealer in relation to the H 5000 DHT. Be good

During recent months we have discovered a super tonearm to harness PURITAS’s energy. The KUZMA 4 Point tonearm exhibits Puritas’s power, delicacy, texture and incredible dynamic shadings. Truly a marriage worth noting. This man is ordering another KUZMA to set up a show down with revered Lyra Atlas, a cartridge twice the price of Puritas. More to come.


A busy winter for ALLNIC REVIEWS. Under review is the ALLNIC H3000V with Harry Paearson. His new site since separating from The Absolute Sound is www.hpsoundings.com . Dagogo’s Jack Roberts wrote kind words of Puritas www.dagogo.com Marshall Nack of The Positive Feedback crafted excellent feedback of ALLNIC H3000V and HA3000 http://www.positive-feedback.com/ and our good friend in Italy, Stefano Bertencello jumped in with his comments of his recently acquired Puritas. http://twogoodears.blogspot.ca/


What we have here is a sneak preview of designer, engineer and music lover KS Park’s latest venture. For the past 6 years MR PARK has sampled drivers world wide to design and develop an efficient design capable of refined resolution and tremendous boogie factor. This my friends is the 97dB effecient 11” Supravox Full Range Alnico Driver with Fostex Compression Supertweeter with his minimalistic crossover. If you GET what Allnic is about, you’ll love this new line of speakers. ordering in mid March with Production May delivery 2013.

For Canadian Vinyl Junkies, as of October 2012 London Drugs now carries Speaker’s Corner and Mobile Fidelity LP’s with a 30 DAY EXCHANGE GUARANTEE!


ALLNIC H1200 owners, free replacement tube offer in effect whether bought new or on preowned market. Simply forward picture of your H1200 to your local dealer or to me. FREE!

As always, thanks for being with us. ALLNIC AUDIO, what you hear is true!

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